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875 on yard expecting 1000-1200 30-40 cows. 4-450 calves and unworked yearlings 100-110 3-4 wts 160-180 5 wts 110-120 6 wts 40-50 7 wts and up 3-350 60 day plus weaned calves. 60-70 3-4 wts 70-80 5 wts 100-120 6 wts 50-70 7-8 wts 3-350 6-9 wt yearlings Including a 82 hd draft of heavy 6 wt strs, and a 66 hd draft of light 8 wt strs. Start at 10 start on cows around noon to 1
September 28: From Elk City 75 fancy 60 day weaned 6-7 wt calves, and from Sayre 84 7 wt yearling steers