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May 4 Sale

  • Western Oklahoma Livestock Auction Clinton, OK (map)

900 on yard expecting 1150-1250.
75-100 cows a few young opens 30-40 bred cows, 40-50 butcher cows and bulls 1 real nice red angus guaranteed bull. 1000 weaned calves and yearlings 100-120 4-6 wt hfrs, 220-240 7 wt hfrs. 70-80 5-6 wt strs, 200-220 7 wt strs, 330-350 8 wt strs, 60-80 9 wt strs. Lots of good homeraised cattle but in smaller groups. There will be a straight load of heavy 7 wt strs a straight load of light 8 wt strs and a straight load of mid 8 wt strs 2 straight loads of 7 wt hfrs. 50-60 calves and unworked yearlings 250-800 lbs.

Start at 10 start on cows 11:45-12:30

April 27

April 27 Sale

May 11

May 11 Sale